Thursday 29 November 2018

Special education

            Special education :-

In the past, those who were disabled were often not eligible for public education. Children with disabilities were repeatedly denied an education by physicians or special tutors. 

These early physicians (people like ItardSeguinHoweGallaudet) set the foundation for special education today. 

They focused on individualized instruction and functional skills. In its early years, special education was only provided to people with severe disabilities, but more recently it has been opened to anyone who has experienced difficulty learning.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

The institution of engineer india

     The institution of engineer india:-

AMIE was established in 1920 in Kolkata, West Bengal and is acclaimed to have pioneered non-formal education in Engineering. IEI (I) conducts an examination for its Associate Membership(AMIE). 

This examination is considered to be on par with B.E. / B.Tech.

when contemplated as an eligibility qualification to write competitive examinations like the Indian Civil Service, Indian Engineering Services, GATE, etc., and for employment in Government, public and private sectors in India. 

This qualification is recognised by Ministry of HRD, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA  as equivalent to B.E./ B.Tech.

There are 2 sections, namely Section A and Section B, who passed both of section he will be chartered engineer(CEng), chartered engineer(CEng) is considered as bachelor's degree in all National and International bodies.

Friday 23 November 2018

What is real education

What is real education :-

Education is not only studying, doing job, marrying, bringing up family and taking care of our kids. It is journey from WE AS A KID TO OUR KIDS. 

But this is not all life and education. The real education is that which prepares you for the life. It makes you learn, cultivate and develop the healthy values of life. 

The education must make make you competent enough to cross the obstacles, hardships and hurdles of life.

 When we talk of education it is not four walls classroom education but the EDUCATION FOR LIFE. THE REAL EDUCATION IS A JOURNEY FROM CONVERTING THE HUMAN BEING IN TO BEING HUMAN. 

Unless the education makes you a good human being it is of no use. The real education not only imparts you knowledge but the wisdom too. Only wisdom takes you ahead in life. If you navigate smoothly in your life then only you seem to be really educated. Real education develops life skills . One must be able to manage the life efficiently and effectively. It does not mean that there will never be any problems but one will come out safely out of that if wisdom applied.

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Why education is so important

Why education is so important :-

Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life.

 It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. 

People debate over the subject of whether educationis the only thing that gives knowledge.

Sunday 18 November 2018

Why is education is so important

        Why is education is so                           important in our life :-

When I started thinking about why education is so important, I remembered my high school years when I used to spend almost five hours a month on math homework, wake up at 6:00 AM and get ready for my PSAL soccer game after school.

I remembered my teachers, school subjects, the study and the fun! I never really hated school. But I have seen many of my peers who hated going to school; I have had some friends who did not like the idea of studying. Some needed to be up in summer school for recovery.

I personally was always focused because I wanted to become a software engineer. I know it will be hard and very challenging. However I believe I can handle the challenge. The first thing that strikes me about education is knowledge gain. Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better.

It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. People debate over the subject of whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge.

Some say education is the process of gaining information about the surrounding world while knowledge is something very different. They are right. But then again, information cannot be converted into knowledge without education.

Education makes us capable of interpreting things, among other things. It is not just about lessons in textbooks.

It is about the lessons of life. One thing I wish I can do is, to provide education for all: no child left behind and change the world for good!!

Thursday 15 November 2018

Department of higher education

          Department of higher.                                   education :-


The Department of Higher Education, MHRD, is responsible for the overall development of the basic infrastructure of Higher Education sector, both in terms of policy and planning. Under a planned development process, the Department looks after expansion of access and qualitative improvement in the Higher Education, through world class Universities, Colleges and other Institutions. The Vision, Mission, Objectives and Functions of the Department are as under:-


To realize India's human resource potential to its fullest in the Higher Education sector, with equity and inclusion.


  • Provide greater opportunities of access to Higher Education with equity to all the eligible persons and in particular to the vulnerable sections.
  • Expand access by supporting existing institutions, establishing new institutions, supporting State Governments and Non-Government Organizations/civil society to supplement public efforts aimed at removing regional or other imbalances that exist at present.
  • Initiate policies and programmes for strengthening research and innovations and encourage institutions - public or private to engage in stretching the frontiers of knowledge.
  • Promote the quality of Higher Education by investing in infrastructure and faculty, promoting academic reforms, improving governance and institutional restructuring toward the inclusion of the hitherto deprived communities.

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Education system in indi

       Education system in india:-

India has made progress in terms of increasing the primary education attendance rate and expanding literacy to approximately three-quarters of the population in the 7–10 age group, by 2011.
 India's improved education system is often cited as one of the main contributors to its economic development.
 Much of the progress, especially in higher education and scientific research, has been credited to various public institutions. While enrollment in higher education has increased steadily over the past decade, reaching a Gross Enrollment Ratio of 24% in 2013,
there still remains a significant distance to catch up with tertiary education enrollment levels of developed nations,
 a challenge that will be necessary to overcome in order to continue to reap a demographic dividend from India's comparatively young population.
At the primary and secondary level, India has a large private school system complementing the government run schools, with 29% of students receiving private education in the 6 to 14 age group.
 Certain post-secondary technical schools are also private. The private education market in India had a revenue of US$450 million in 2008, but is projected to be a US$40 billion market.[10]
As per the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2012, 96.5% of all rural children between the ages of 6-14 were enrolled in school. This is the fourth annual survey to report enrollment above 96%. 
Another report from 2013 stated that there were 229 million students enrolled in different accredited urban and rural schools of India, from Class I to XII, representing an increase of 23 lakh students over 2002 total enrollment, and a 19% increase in girl's enrollment.[
While quantitatively India is inching closer to universal education, the quality of its education has been questioned particularly in its government run school system.While more than 95 percent of children attend primary school, just 40 percent of Indian adolescents attend secondary school (Grades 9-12).
 Since 2000, the World Bank has committed over $2 billion to education in India. Some of the reasons for the poor quality include absence 

Sunday 11 November 2018

Regular training for teachers

      Regular training of the teachers=

The teachers should be trained on a regular basis. 

The governing authority should also consider the students feedback and reviews about their teachers.

 This will help the teacher to provide good quality education.


Technology has become an important part of the modern generation. Shoulders should start getting the basic level of a technical education from their school.

 It will also meet the skilled labour force of India. The bigger organizations are looking for more highly skilled people, who have good technical knowledge.

 The government should also focus on building more technical institute in India.

Friday 9 November 2018

Good support and health education

   Good support and health                                      education=

The government should focus on proving health and nutrition education to the students at a basic level. 

The teacher should also provide good quality doubt clearing support to the students. 

These things will help the students to overcome their weakness.
These small things can be done to improve the current education system in India.

 The modern students are looking for world-class education to enrich their capabilities. 

If you are looking for the perfect college and career guidance, you may check college Mela.

 The right college and good quality career counselling will help you to get your dream career.

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Focus on public private partnership

  Focus on public private partnership=

You may have noticed that, the private schools and colleges focus on providing good quality education to secure a good rank in the educational marketplace.

 If they don’t provide good quality education, people will go to other colleges. Only some of the people can afford private schools and colleges. 

Government schools and colleges may opt for the public private partnership to provide good quality education to the students. 

It will enhance the quality of education in the government organizations and it will also reduce the financial burden of the government.

Monday 5 November 2018



The conventional education system doesn’t have a career-focused approach. The modern world has changed completely, and the lifestyle of the modern people has also changed.

 The formal educational organizations should provide technical education at a basic level.

 SKILL BASED EDUCATION will help the students, who belong to the lower class of the society.

 Previously a student had to complete his higher studies to get a good job. If skill-based education can be introduced at the basic level, the students can collect fund to continue with their studies.

Sunday 4 November 2018

10 ways to improve education system in India


Without a proper education system, a country can’t develop. 

The educated citizens can bring the real development in a country. That is why all the developed countries spend major of the GDP on the health and education sector. 

In India, only 75% students have enrolled themselves in the formal education system. Compared to the developed country, these numbers are not good enough. 

In the developed countries the statistics are above 90%. Few steps can be taken by the government and universities in India to improve the education system in this country.


All the major colleges and universities in India follow the backdated syllabus, which doesn’t fit into the modern world scenario. Because of this backdated syllabus, Indian students are not able to secure a good place in the leading world-class organizations.

 To improve the colleges in India, the university authorities and the government should focus more on the research and development of the syllabus. 

The syllabus should talk about the modern world and students should also focus on relevant case studies to improve colleges in india

Friday 2 November 2018

What is forest bathing can it really help us

What is forest bathing can it really help us =

The Japanese concept of shinrin-yoku is trending around the globe. 

Following the release of a new book on the topic by Dr Qing Li of Tokyo’s Nippon Medical School, we look at the history of the theory, whether trees can act as a therapist, and where to try forest bathing in Japan.

It’s universally acknowledged that taking a breath of fresh air or going out for a walk might help you to refresh, relax or change your mood.

 In recent years there has even been scientific evidence to support the sentiment that nature is not just simply good for you, but that it can actually be medically beneficial.

 Many cultures around the world have their own pro-nature ideologies, whether stemming from religion, folklore or tradition, but a practice originating in Japan is currently becoming a global wellness trend.

Learning education


Learning is the process of acquiring new, or modifying.
1. existing knowledge behaviour skills values ability to learn is possessed by humans, animals, and some machines there is also evidence for some kind of learning in some plants.

2. learning is immediate, induced by a single event (e.g. being burned by a hot stove), but much skill and knowledge accumulates from repeated experiences. The changes induced by learning often last a lifetime, and it is hard to distinguish learned material that seems to be "lost" from that which cannot be retrieved.

3.Human learning begins before birth and continues until death as a consequence of ongoing interactions between person and environment. The nature and processes involved in learning are studied in many fields, including educational physiology and pedagogy. 
Research in such fields has led to the identification of various sorts of learning. For example, learning may occur as a result of habituation or operant conditioning or as a result of more complex activities such as play seen only in relatively intelligent animals.
4.Learni may occur or without conscious awareness. Learning that an aversive event can't be avoided nor escaped may result in a condition called learner helplessness is evidence for human behavioral learning prenatallyn which habituation has been observed as early as 32 weeks into gestation indicating that the central nervous system is sufficiently developed and primed for learning and memory to occur very early on in development