Sunday 21 October 2018



In the modern times, it is felt that education should have its preparatory value to enable individuals to earn his livelihood or to make both ends meet in order to live happily and successfully. It is the economic self-sufficiency of a person which makes him a worthy and contributing citizen.
The advocates of this aim say that all the knowledge that the child has gained, all the culture the child has acquired in the school will be of no use, if he cannot make both ends meet as an adult member of the community. Therefore, education should aim at imparting knowledge, skill, and information to the pupils in order to make them self-reliant; not to be a drag or parasite upon others.
As such, vocational bias in education is absolutely necessary for enabling pupils to be productive members in the society.
Education with the vocational aim will prepare each individual for an occupation which will suit to his needs, abilities, interests and attitudes. Vocational aim of education is also superscripted as ‘Bread and Butter, aim’, ‘Blue Jacket Aim’ and ‘White collar Aim’. M. K. Gandhi says, “True education ought to be for the boys and girls a kind of insurance against unemployment”.

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